Team Super and TWUSUPER continue to make significant progress towards their merger which will see the two funds unite on Friday, 21 March 2025.
As the planning process continues, here’s more information about the implementation of the merger with TWUSUPER.
Important note: The merger with TWUSUPER is intended to occur on Friday, 21 March 2025. We acknowledge though that circumstances outside our control might arise which may cause a delay in the implementation date. Should such a delay occur, we will publish updated details on this page.
To support the merger, Mine Super rebranded to Team Super on Monday, 20 January 2025.
There will be no impact to members’ accounts as a result of the merger. You’ll keep the same member number and account number, and your account details will remain as they are today.
Please note: The following information is intended for members and employers of Team Super. If you are a member of TWUSUPER, you should refer to this page for more information.
(Super accounts only)
To complete the merger, we’ll need to undertake work to update our systems. Unfortunately, this will result in some member services being unavailable for a period, as outlined below.
Tuesday, 25 March 2025 - this is the last day you will be able to submit an investment switch and have this processed before we commence our limited service period. If you submit a form for an investment switch during our limited service period, you’ll need to resubmit a new form from Monday, 14 April 2025.
Wednesday, 26 March 2025 - this is the last day you will be able to submit a withdrawal request or make changes to your insurance and have this processed before we commence our limited service period. If you submit a form for an insurance change during our limited service period, you’ll need to resubmit a new form from Monday, 14 April 2025.
Friday, 28 March 2025 to Monday, 14 April 2025 - all other transactions, including contributions and withdrawal requests, won’t be processed until we resume standard business operations. Please submit any forms for transactions on your account from Monday 14 April 2025.
Your online account will be unavailable from 6.30pm on Friday, 28 March 2025 to Monday, 14 April 2025.
Important: We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and have established processes to ensure we can support members in need throughout this period. This means you can still contact the Fund via phone and email and we’ll still provide timely support in the event of financial hardship or other circumstances.
During this period, our Contact Centre will remain open.
Regional offices will remain open and advice appointments will continue to be held.
If you do submit a form, we’ll action your request once we resume standard normal business operations on Monday,14 April 2025.
Any in-progress applications, claims or complaints will continue to be assessed however, there may be some delays to processing during this period.
If you become eligible for an insurance special offer during this limited service period, you can still submit the form and we’ll process your request.
If you receive regular pension payments or income protection payments, these will be paid as usual.
We need to undertake work to update our systems as we migrate TWUSUPER members into our Fund. Unfortunately, this results in some operational impacts, as outlined above.
We aim to process all forms as soon as possible. Forms submitted during our limited service period will be processed when we resume normal business operations, with the exception of investment switches and insurance changes, which will need to be resubmitted using a new form from Monday, 14 April 2025. If practical, you should delay submitting a form until we resume normal business operations.
You can check your latest available balance by calling the Fund and our team can assist you over the phone. Please note, however, that there may be a short period where are team members are unable to access our systems, whilst updates are occurring.
To support a successful merger, it’s important to reflect the history and values of both funds, as well as providing a strong foundation for future growth. One of the ways we can achieve this is with a new name and brand. While Team Super reflects a new chapter for the Fund, we remain deeply committed to the mining industry and continue to offer insurance that meets the needs of miners. As Team Super, we champion Australian workers’ retirement outcomes in the mining, transport and energy sectors.
Mine Super rebranded to Team Super on Monday, 20 January 2025.
Members should always use the latest versions of our forms and factsheets, which are available via our website, our Contact Centre, Team Super Financial Advice or one of our regional offices.
If you have any Mine Super branded material, you should dispose of this.
A combined fund will be larger; and increased scale means we can further enhance our products and services, deliver greater investment opportunities and likely, lower fees.
A combined fund will be larger; and increased scale means we can further enhance our products and services, deliver greater investment opportunities and likely, lower fees.
Team Super (formerly Mine Super) is the successor fund which means TWUSUPER members will join the Team Superannuation Fund.
Members can’t vote on the merger, with the decision to merge made by the Trustee of the Mine Superannuation Fund (now named Team Superannuation Fund). Whilst all Board Directors are required to represent the best financial interests of all members, there are currently four member nominee Directors from the Mining and Energy Union (MEU), along with four employer nominee Directors from NSW Minerals Council and Queensland Resources Council. There is also one Independent Director nominated by the Trustee.
TWUSUPER has similar values to Team Super with a shared commitment to support positive retirement outcomes for workers. TWUSUPER was established in 1984 and is one of the newer industry funds of the modern superannuation system.
As we work through the merger process, there is nothing for Team Super members to action; so there’s no need for things like ‘re-joining’ the fund.
Team Super will continue to service and support members from a number of regional office locations where our members reside, in addition to the Newcastle-based Contact Centre, delivering regular pit-top talks and being present at industry and community events.
QuickSuper will remain available during the limited service period. However, any contributions you make via QuickSuper from Wednesday, 26 March 2025 to Monday, 14 April 2025 won’t be processed until we resume normal business operations. Please note this won’t impact your Super Guarantee timing obligations.
Employers can request a refund or adjustment if the wrong amount has been paid, incorrectly allocated, paid to the wrong employee or paid to Team Super in error. You can do this by submitting a completed form, but please note that during our limited service period, your form won’t be processed until we resume normal business operations.
You should ensure our Fund name in your system/s is updated to Team Super, to ensure your employees’ pay slips reflect the updated Fund name. The new Fund details are as follows:
Trustee name –Team Super Pty Ltd.
Fund name –Team Superannuation Fund.
There is no change to our ABN, ACN, AFSL and USI.
Any Fund information that employers provide to their staff should be Team Super branded. Any Mine Super branded material should be disposed of, and not be shared with your employees. This includes PDSs, factsheets, forms (incl. the Super Standard Choice form) and posters, among others.
For any new starters, you should provide them with the new Team Super version of the Super Standard Choice form within 28 days of them starting employment, which is available here (PDF). Please ensure you destroy any old versions of this form.
We’ll continue to communicate key milestones to our members via email and on our website. As a member, it’s important your email address is up to date and you can check this by logging into your online account. Haven’t registered for online account access? It’s easy to do – just follow these steps.